Photo credit:

Valerie Metcalfe: Savanah, Georgia


Valerie provides occupational therapy services in English and French to a wide range of adult (18+) clients, often with a neurological focus (including concussion, stroke, Parkinson’s disease, post-covid, chronic fatigue, anxiety, sensory hypersensitivities).

Client goals can vary greatly. Some examples:

- learning to use a computer after having had a stroke.

- being able to participate in a group dinner at a restaurant after having had a concussion.

- being able to safely transfer out of bed after a chronic condition has worsened.

- tolerating working on a computer to return to school/work.

Photo credit:

Valerie Metcalfe: Rideau River, Ottawa

In order to achieve those goals, interventions can target:

- System regulation

- Symptom management strategies (ex. for pain, fatigue, difficulty with cognitive load, sensory hypersensitivity, anxiety, poor sleep)

- Fine and motor control (ex. writing, meal preparation, dressing, crafting, working with tools, negotiating walking around obstacles, golf swing)

- Home safety (ex. transfers, equipment needs)

- Cognitive retraining and grading of activities

- Body mechanics and grading of physical activities

- Perceptual retraining

- Strategies for executive function difficulties

- ADHD strategies and coaching

- Ergonomic workstation assessments

- LSVT BIG intervention program for Parkinson’s disease (for more information on this program see [here])

Valerie does not accept WSIB, HCAI clients at this time.

The scope of practice of occupational therapy is very large. Considering this, each therapist has the responsibility to only work within their own scope of practice, based on their experience and continuing education. As such if your issue is not within Valerie’s scope of practice she will let you know and provide resources to help you find another therapist.